Author: Dr. David Busby

Key takeaways Supportive patience aids quitting Immediate health gains days after quitting smoking Celebrate small victories for ongoing smoker motivation boost. Embracing failure after slips fosters learning, not discouragement. Accept relapses, understand motivation, and offer support consistently. Perhaps you’ve seen the determination in your partner’s eyes when they first said, “I’m going to quit smoking.” Perhaps they’ve planned their entire quit journey with you and a GP and have been doing so well throughout the process. But, it felt like everything crashed down when they lit up a ciggie one day.It can be easy for a smoker to say they want…

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Key takeaways Shisha smoking: A deceptive alternative with risks. Shisha’s alluring flavor masks hazardous chemicals within. Smoking dangers persist, despite the communal appeal. Shisha versus cigarettes: debunking safety misconceptions. Quitting shisha and cigarettes: the key to health. Is shisha bad? Before nicotine vaping products (NVPs) and vaping culture became popular worldwide, ‘shisha’ or ‘hookah’ was one of the biggest alternatives to smoking a cigarette. With its pleasant aroma and communal nature, many people perceive it as less harmful than tobacco.But is it really safer? Unfortunately, it isn’t. Shisha smoking is still similar to tobacco smoking and carries its own set…

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Key takeaways Rolled cigarettes, not healthier; contain perilous chemicals. Combustion smoke poses grave risks to health. Firefighters wear masks to avoid toxic inhalation. Natural tobacco in rolled cigarettes still dangerous. Vaping products from pharmacies offer medically supported alternatives. You probably heard someone mention they only ‘smoke what they roll’ because it’s safer. They believe conventional cigarettes are mostly dangerous because of the preservatives and other chemicals used to preserve the leaves. Unfortunately for them, there’s no such thing as a healthy cigarette, including tobacco grown in a yard and rolled with the cleanest, chemical-free paper around.It’s important to know that all…

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Key takeaways Light’ smoking: 5 or fewer cigarettes daily. All tobacco is dangerous; health risks persist. Pregnancy: ‘Light’ smoking harms fetus, increases complications. Post-surgery ‘light’ smoking hinders healing, weakens immunity. Quit for health, not cigarette count. You’ve probably heard someone say “I’m cutting down on ciggies because smoking less is healthier.” They’re likely referring to ‘light’ smoking, or cutting down the number of cigarettes they consume each day.In recent years, many smokers have believed ‘smoking lightly’ (or ‘cutting down’) to be a healthier alternative. But, the painful truth? It isn’t any healthier than smoking a pack daily.In today’s post, we debunk…

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Key takeaways Smoking restricts blood flow, accelerating arthritis. Smoking reduces calcium absorption, weakening bones. Joint Inflammation Risks: Smokers face higher risks of bursitis and tendonitis. Smoking increases free radicals, hastening cartilage breakdown. Benefits of Quitting: Improved blood flow, nutrient absorption, overall health. We all know that smoking has always caused many diseases, but the link between smoking and severe arthritis is rarely discussed.Smoking restricts blood flow, which increases the risk of strokes and coronary heart diseases. The narrowed arteries also accelerate the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. So, if you’re feeling a little stiff and hurting in the joints, stopping smoking…

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Key takeaways Smoking harms pets, causing cancer and death. Nasal and oral cancer risks increase significantly. Breathing problems worsen with continuous smoke exposure. Pets suffer from eye irritation and discomfort. Secondhand smoke leads to expensive veterinary bills. Everyone loves their dog, cat, cockatoo, and other lovable animals we consider pets and companions. But do we love them enough to stop smoking?Cigarette smoke is dangerous to everyone, especially to our little friends. If it can cause various cancers in people exposed to secondhand smoke, it can surely cause the same, or even worse, to our tiny companions.In today’s article, we’ll take…

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Key takeaways Illicit vapes risk health with unknown and unregulated origins. Legal pharmacy vapes uphold strict GMP and ISO standards. Illicit vapes lure youth with colorful packaging, flavours. Pharmacy vapes tested, insured, medically supported, and regulated. Quitting smoking with GP’s help prioritizes health If you’re considering vaping instead of smoking, there are probably a few questions on your mind. Is it better to smoke or vape? What are the advantages and disadvantages of nicotine vaping products (NVPs)? Are all vapes the same?You shouldn’t have to read a whole essay or sift through countless articles to understand the pros and cons of…

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Key takeaways Smoking elevates heart risks with dangerous chemicals. Nicotine addiction persists despite known health dangers. Stopping smoking enhances blood circulation and pressure. Physical activity, like jogging, aids post-smoking recovery. Vaping risks vary; pharmacy NVPs thoroughly tested and designed. It’s a well-known fact that smoking causes cancer and other life-threatening diseases, and with over 7,000 chemicals in a cigarette, smoking also poses a significant threat to your heart and arteries.There is strong evidence that the chemicals in cigarette smoke contribute to a staggering number of heart diseases, arterial ruptures, and other cardiovascular issues. In fact, if we look at the…

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Key takeaways Weight gain is common after quitting smoking Nicotine suppresses appetite, leading to overeating Sense of taste improves, stimulating appetite Oral fixation can lead to overeating Substitute addictions, like overeating, are risky So, you’ve decided to quit smoking. You’ve braved through your withdrawal and cravings with the right tools, but you feel disappointed seeing you’ve gained weight in the process of quitting smoking.Many ex-smokers have experienced weight gain. This is normal – cigarettes can be an appetite suppressant, and have actually been a cause of weight loss among smokers. So, after quitting you can tend to feel much hungrier…

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Key takeaways Nicotine’s grip makes quitting tobacco notoriously challenging. Despite health risks, cigarettes remain easily accessible worldwide Social triggers, portrayed glamor, complicate quitting endeavours greatly. Flavor variations and tactile features intensify smoking’s allure. Secondhand smoke triggers and social smoking hinder quitting. Many smokers began the habit because their friends did it – they felt left out. For some, it was because they saw a TV show or movie with a character looking cool while smoking. While any of these reasons might give any smoker a start, the product itself is the main reason it’s hard to quit.Tobacco contains nicotine, an addictive…

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