How to lose weight the right way

Regular exercise is good for your health. You are less likely to get heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers if you work out, even if you have some weight gain after quitting smoking. It makes your bones and muscles stronger and makes you feel better about yourself and your mental health. Working out is a key part of living a healthy life, and when combined with eating well is the first step to avoid weight gain after quitting smoking.


Why do you gain weight after quitting smoking? You’re probably eating more calories than what your body is burning. If you want to have no quitting smoking weight gain, you have to burn more calories than you eat and drinkIt’s easier to lose weight by cutting calories from your meals than by exercising to burn the same number of calories. 

Many people think that making big changes at once is the only way to eat healthier. Researchers have found that making small changes to what you eat can help you lose weight slowly and steadily over time. To lose weight safely, you should choose healthy foods and eat less.

As part of a healthy plan to lose weight, you can still eat your favourite foods. You can cut down on the calories you consume in different ways. You can bake food instead of frying it, for example, and replace less healthy foods with a mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, high-protein foods, and low-fat dairy. Keeping a food diary can help you see both good and bad eating habits.

Doing something active

Regular exercise can help you reach your short-term and long-term goals for losing weight, but many people have the wrong idea about how many calories exercise burns. 350 calories could be burned in 30 minutes of swimming laps, but you may not be able to work out hard for 30 minutes every day. You could simply lose the same number of calories every day by not drinking a litre of soft drink.

Studies have shown that doing 10 minutes of cardio three times a day is just as good as doing 30 minutes of cardio all at once. You can get cardio exercise by running, swimming laps, or jumping rope, among other things. Try to find cardio exercises that you enjoy doing alone or with family or friends.

If you work out often to lose weight or just to be healthier, you might notice that you want to eat more. This makes it easy to trick yourself into eating more after working out than you need. Your hard work to lose weight can be undone if you eat too much after working out

Does quitting smoking make you fat? It doesn’t — it’s only when you don’t watch what you eat after quitting and starting your workout routines. When you eat after you work out, be mindful of how much you’re eating. Have a healthy snack before you work out to keep your hunger in check.

Getting more muscle is a good way to burn more calories even when you’re not working out. Strength training can help you lose weight and cut down on body fat. You can build strong muscles by doing strength training two or three times a week. You can lift weights, do push-ups, sit-ups, or do work around the house or yard that requires lifting or digging.

Setting weight-loss goals

If you are overweight, you may be more likely to get sick. Even if you only lose 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight, your health risks can go down and sometimes even go away.

You may also have more energy, feel less joint pain, and get a better night’s sleep if you lose weight. Setting goals is a good way to lose weight and keep it off.

Thinking of long-term goals can help you work towards a healthier way of life. Try to make changes to your life that will help you stay at a healthy weight now and in the future. Research shows that a diet you do for a few weeks and then stop is not the best way to lose weight and keep it off in the long run. To lose weight in a healthy way, you need to make long-term changes to the way you eat and exercise.

Don’t rush

Studies show that people are more likely to keep the weight off if they lose it slowly and steadily. Health experts say that a healthy way to lose weight over time is to lose 1 to 2kg per week. That is better than trying to lose a lot of weight all at once.

Set your sights low

Break a long-term goal into a series of short-term goals to make your plan more manageable and keep you accountable over the long haul. If you want to lose 10kg in three months, for example, you might set different goals for each month. 

Try to lose 1.5kg a week for the first month and 0.5kg a week for the next two months. Most people lose weight faster in the first month than in the second or third.

Look at the whole picture

Even if you don’t lose weight, eating better and moving around more is good for your health. Try setting goals that aren’t just about losing weight. Instead, think about how your body feels and what it can do. Think about what else a healthy diet and regular exercise can do for you, like teaching you how to cook better, letting you try new foods, and giving you more energy.

Watch how you’re doing

Keep track of your progress as you try to lose weight. There are many tools for weight loss tracking that you can use online or on your phone. Visit the iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store to look at tools for your smartphone that can help you track your progress.

Change goals as necessary

Most days of the week, relying on healthy eating and physical activity can help you reach your weight loss goals in a healthy way. But holidays, trips, and other special events can make it harder to lose weight. 

To lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you eat. Increasing your physical activity is one way to do this, while balancing activity to what you eat in a given day can also help you maintain weight loss goals. Here are some rough estimates of how much exercise it takes to burn off the calories in some favourite treats:

  • A 90g bag of chips: Strength training for 1 hour and 30 minutes
  • An energy bar: Climbing up and down stairs for 25 minutes
  • A medium order of hot chips: Bicycling for 1 hour and 35 minutes
  • A large vanilla latte: Jogging for 50 minutes
It’s okay to treat yourself on rare occasions, but unless you’re planning on jogging to the chip shop three suburbs over, it’s best to avoid these types of things on a more frequent basis.