Quitting smoking is no easy feat. In fact, it’s one of the most difficult habits to break.

The first month is typically the hardest, though some withdrawal symptoms and challenges may persist after this initial quitting period.

Try not to be disheartened if you’re still struggling to kick those cravings — breaking an addiction takes time.

The good news is that once you’ve made it past the one-month mark, the hardest work is behind you. You’re already living a life without cigarettes, so how can you ensure you stay smoke-free for good?

In this guide, we’ll cover tips to stay smokefree long-term.

If you’re just starting on your quitting journey, we recommend visiting our guide on preparing to quit smoking. If you’re within four weeks of quitting, take a look at our dedicated guide that explores the challenges of quitting smoking.

Abstaining from smoking long-term

Whether you quit cold-turkey or used nicotine replacement therapies, congratulations on becoming smoke-free!

While you’ve overcome the hardest part of dealing with physical and mental withdrawal symptoms, it’s normal to still face cravings and mood changes a month in, as cigarettes are highly addictive

Over time, these triggers will fade, but there are ways to manage them and break the habit even faster.

How to stay smoke-free

Quitting a habit you’ve had for a long time is tough, and sticking to your decision to give it up completely takes real dedication. There will always be moments when you miss it or feel tempted.

When it comes to quitting smoking, there are plenty of ways to make those cravings less intense and stop yourself from giving in. 

Below, we’ve listed some helpful tips to help you manage your triggers and stay smoke-free for the long haul.

Tips to stay smoke-free

The best way to avoid slipping back into your smoking is by building new, healthier routines and habits. These can help fill the gaps left behind by smoking and keep those cravings at bay. 

Often, triggers and urges come from missing the familiar routines that smoking used to be a part of in your daily life. 

By creating fresh patterns, you’ll distract yourself from cravings and move towards a healthier lifestyle overall.

Exercise after quitting smoking

Staying physically active through exercise is one of the best ways to stay on track with your goal to quit smoking. Even a short walk or light workout can make a huge difference.

How does exercise help with quitting smoking?

Exercise not only distracts from cravings but also offers a healthier way to relieve stress. 

Instead of reaching for cigarettes during stressful moments, you can turn to enjoyable physical activity. 

Now, we’ll explore how exercise can keep you smoke-free.

It aids stress management 

Endorphins are the feel-good hormones your body releases to help ease feelings of stress and anxiety. 

When you exercise, your body gets into gear and starts releasing endorphins, which can lift your mood and make you feel a whole lot better. 

So, the next time you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed with your quit journey, remember that a bit of exercise could help brighten your day.

It’s a healthy distraction

Cravings often hit the hardest during those specific times when you used to light up. 

It can be really tough, but one handy trick is to plan a workout during those moments to keep your mind and body busy. 

For instance, if lunchtime was your usual smoke break, why not take a nice stroll instead? Or if you used to smoke before work in the mornings, consider booking a gym class with a mate. 

Keeping active can help take your mind off things.

It reduces cravings

Studies show that moderate exercise can help reduce withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking. 

For example, a study with mice found that those who ran on a wheel for 2 or 24 hours a day had fewer withdrawal symptoms than those who didn’t exercise

This finding suggests that staying active can make it easier to quit smoking.

It helps us regulate our weight

Are you one of those smokers worried about putting on weight after quitting

It’s true that nicotine can help with weight loss, so you might be concerned about gaining it back when you stop. 

But don’t worry—you can stay nicotine-free and choose healthier ways to manage your weight. 

Regular exercise can help you keep a healthy weight and balance your hunger cues, which stops you from overeating.

How to set up a new exercise routine

If you’re new to daily exercise, why not start by going for a walk every day?

It’s a great way to burn calories and tone your muscles, plus it’s an easy activity to turn to whenever you’re feeling stressed or have a craving for a smoke.

Below are some effective ways to set up an exercise routine.

  1. Choose a consistent time for exercise that works for you.
  2. Set aside at least 30 minutes each day for exercise, which you can break into three shorter sessions if needed.
  3. Pick a type of movement that you enjoy and make that your preferred form of exercise.
  4. Look for moments throughout the day to move, such as walking to work or taking the stairs instead of the lift.
  5. Organise social exercise activities with friends or family to make the routine more enjoyable.
  6. Keep your exercise routine varied to prevent boredom.

How soon after quitting smoking can I exercise?

You can start exercising as soon as you quit smoking. 

While you can exercise before quitting, cigarette smoke can interfere with your lung capacity, making it less effective. 

Once you quit, your oxygen levels will normalise and your lungs will begin to heal, allowing you to breathe easier and exercise more intensely. 

Just remember to start slow and gradually build up, paying attention to your heart and lung health.

Also, don’t be discouraged if you need to take breaks. Remember, any exercise is better than none.

Does smoking cessation cause weight gain?

Weight gain is very common after quitting smoking. Unfortunately, this can deter ex-smokers from remaining smokefree.

However, it’s important to understand that this weight gain actually signals a return to health. It suggests that nicotine is no longer interfering with important weight-regulating systems in the body.

Smoking causes weight loss, but this weight loss is not healthy weight loss. It occurs for a few different reasons.

  1. Smoking can speed up your metabolism by 7 to 15%. Nicotine causes the metabolic rate to increase, which means your body burns calories quicker. This is very dangerous, as this change in metabolism causes the heart to beat faster, which can put you at risk of heart disease.
  2. When you smoke, you may eat less because smoking interferes with our hunger hormones.
  3. Smoking also switches on our fight or flight receptors. This, in turn, reduces our feelings of hunger, and we consume less calories as a result.

When you quit smoking, your body returns to its natural baseline. Your metabolism, hunger receptors, and fight or flight receptors are no longer under the influence of nicotine, so they begin regulating your weight naturally again.

You may feel hungrier; a sign that your body’s hunger cues are working properly again. This increased hunger and slower metabolism can lead to weight gain.

While many people fear of weight gain after quitting, generally, the amount of weight gained after quitting is unremarkable.

The average amount of weight gained after quitting is 5kg over 5 years. In most cases, the weight gain occurs a few months after you first quit, and then stabilises.

Try not to be discouraged by any weight gain you’re experiencing after quitting. Remember, this is a sign that your body is returning to health.

If you are struggling with the changes to your body, get in touch with your GP to discuss how you’re feeling. They will be able to provide you with strategies to keep you feeling healthy and happy.

Can quitting smoking help you lose weight?

Yes, studies show that quitting smoking can lead to natural, healthy weight loss.

One trial showed that 16 to 21% of smokers lost weight in the first year after quitting.

Another study found that people who quit smoking experienced a minor increase in abdominal fat in the first two months after quitting, but then saw a decrease in overall body fat in the following months.

It’s thought that because nicotine is no longer being absorbed by the body, the liver is able to create more glucose, which regulates the metabolism. So, the body is breaking down fats by itself instead of relying on toxins to do the work and harm your body along the way.

Essentially, your body is regulating your weight in a healthier way.

You’ll also be able to breathe easier as your lungs repair themselves, which will increase your exercise capacity. You may find yourself exercising more frequently or more intensely, which will also aid weight loss.

Diet after quitting smoking

Your diet can either help or hinder your ability to abstain from smoking long-term.

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is very important in the months after you quit. There are even foods that should be avoided while quitting, as they are more likely to trigger cravings.

Healthy foods to eat while quitting smoking

Let’s take a look at the foods and drinks that can help you abstain from smoking during the quitting period and beyond.

Fruits and veggies 

When you smoke, the chemicals in the cigarettes block the absorption of certain nutrients, including Calcium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D.

Adding more fruits and veggies into your diet after you quit can help to top up your body’s stores, and flood your body with the nutrients it has been lacking.

One study found that smokers who consumed more fruit and vegetables were three times more likely to be smoke-free for at least 30 days at the 14-month follow up than those who consumed the lowest amount of fruits and veggies.

These findings remained true when adjustments were made for gender, race/ethnicity, education, age, household income, and health orientation.

The study also found that smokers with a high fruit and veggie intake smoked fewer cigarettes per day, waited longer to smoke the first cigarette of the day, and scored lower on the nicotine dependence test than those who had a low fruit and veggie intake.

Your taste buds and smell receptors began to heal as soon as you stubbed out your last cigarette. This means your food will begin to taste and smell better, too!


It’s very common to feel an urge to snack regularly after quitting.

While this can be attributed to the changes to your hunger hormones and metabolism, it may also be occuring because your mouth and hands are no longer occupied by a cigarette. Your hands and mouth may feel restless and yearn for the hand-to-mouth ritual of smoking.

If this occurs, try snacking on air-popped popcorn. It will keep your hands and mouth busy, and is a lightweight snacking option. Five cups of popcorn contain just 150 calories.

Frozen grapes

Craving something sweet? It’s common to experience an increase in sugar cravings after you quit.

In most cases, it’s a good idea to indulge those cravings, as this can help to keep you away from cigarettes. However, make sure you’re choosing healthy sweet treats to enjoy.

Skip the processed desserts and go for frozen grapes or blueberries instead. They’re sweet and lolly-like, so they’ll help to satisfy your sugar cravings, and they also have nutritional value.

Ginseng tea

Studies have suggested that ginseng tea can weaken the effects of dopamine, which is the chemical that is released when you smoke tobacco.

Drinking ginseng tea may help to reduce the appeal of smoking and make it appear less enjoyable. This would be most useful if you have relapsed.

Dairy products

Many smokers report that consuming dairy products, particularly drinking milk, makes cigarettes taste worse.

According to research, smokers experience a bitter aftertaste after consuming tobacco and dairy milk. Again, this one will be most useful if you’re still smoking.

Mints and sugar-free gum

Chewing on mints or gum can help to keep your mouth busy when cravings arise.

Remember to opt for sugar-free varieties to reduce your sugar consumption.


As we now know, one of the best things you can do to distract your mouth and body from cravings is keep your hands and mouth busy.

Sipping on a glass of water is a great way to occupy your hands and mouth.

Thirst is commonly confused with hunger, so ensuring you’re well-hydrated will prevent overeating.

Dehydration also makes you tired, meaning you’ll likely be less motivated to prepare and consume healthy meals. Maintaining adequate hydration will keep your energy levels up so that you can make healthier decisions at mealtime.

Your favourite food and drinks

As mentioned, your sense of taste and smell improve significantly after you quit smoking.

Every now and then, treat yourself to your favourite meal and enjoy all of the flavours and textures you were missing out on before.

It can be especially useful to indulge in these foods when you’re experiencing intense cigarette cravings. Tasting every element of your favourite food can help to remind you of the benefits of quitting.

Foods to avoid while quitting smoking

Certain foods can trigger a cigarette craving.

You may have come to associate that food with the act of smoking. Alternatively, the foods themselves may make you feel sluggish, tired, and unsatisfied, which can also be triggers for smoking.

While you’re still feeling vulnerable to cravings, avoid these foods and drinks where possible.


A majority of smokers smoke cigarettes when they drink alcohol.

Many people smoke their first cigarette when in a social situation that involves drinking. This can lead to regular  ‘social smoking’ while drinking on nights out, and can very easily progress into an addiction.

For many people, alcohol and smoking are so closely intertwined that they automatically light a cigarette as soon as they have a drink in front of them.

Try to steer clear of alcohol during your first smokefree month, as this is when your risk of relapse is at its highest.

As you feel your cravings wane, you can experiment with one or two drinks and see how you feel.


Coffee and cigarettes go hand-in-hand.

Reports tell us that smokers find their ‘coffee cigarette’ the hardest to give up, as the act of drinking coffee becomes so closely associated with smoking.

Over time, as the association strengthens, drinking coffee or even the smell of coffee may trigger an urge to smoke.

If you’re struggling with this, try switching to tea or water to break the association. When you feel you have a hold on your cravings, you may need to slowly introduce coffee back into your life, perhaps starting with a decaf, and working from there.

Low-calorie foods

Relying on low-calorie or diet foods won’t serve you well while quitting. Consuming only these foods can actually increase your chances of relapse.

A study in Psychopharmacology found that smokers who reduced their diet by 700 calories per day smoked 8% more cigarettes than those who didn’t. 

So, be sure to maintain a healthy calorie intake by consuming well-balanced, nutritionally-dense and filling meals.

Sugary foods

While they will give you a short burst of energy, sugary foods are notorious for causing a ‘crash’ once the effects have worn off.

Consuming too many sugar foods can also lead to health problems like high blood pressure and weight gain, so limit your intake where possible.

Overly processed foods 

Processed foods tend to contain high amounts of sodium and saturated fats, which can be harmful to our health. They also lack the nutrients and vitamins to keep you feeling energised, replenished, and mentally strong, as you’ll need to be to stay smokefree.

Healthy habits after quitting smoking

In addition to exercising and eating well, there are a number of healthy habits you can practice during this quitting period and beyond. Each of these practices can play a part in helping to keep you smokefree long term.

Replace old habits

It’s very important to break the associations between the day-to-day activities you now see as correlating with smoking.

For example, if you associate cigarettes with your morning coffee, switch to water or juice instead. If you typically smoked mid-morning with co-workers, go for a walk around the block instead.

Practise relaxation activities

You’ll no longer be using cigarettes to help manage your stress, so you’ll need to find new, healthier ways to cope with and work through unpleasant emotions.

Try to incorporate a few relaxation practices into your day-to-day life. You might try mediation, journaling, or listening to music.

Perhaps your ideal form of relaxation is spending time with people, so you might join a support group or volunteer with your local community.

Write a to-do list of odd jobs

To help occupy your time and your mind, compile a list of odd jobs to do around the house.

Not only will this keep you busy, but DIY projects can also help you ring in this new chapter.

Try something new

The best way to break old associations and avoid triggers is to try new things.

Fill your days and weeks with activities that you haven’t associated with smoking. You could consider joining an art class, reading regularly, or learning how to sew your own clothes.

Treat yourself

Quitting smoking is difficult, so reward yourself for working towards a healthier future.

Treat yourself to feel-good, healthy treats every now and then, such as a nice meal, a massage, or a spa-day.

Set up a savings account

Quitting smoking does wonders for the bank account.

If you’re a 20-pack-a-day smoker, you spend a total of $12,775 on cigarettes per year.

You might like to set up a savings account where you can deposit the money you would have spent on cigarettes.

It can be very rewarding and motivating to see just how much money you’re saving by staying smokefree. Then, you can consider putting these savings towards something that’s important to you. Perhaps a holiday, or even a house deposit!

What to do if you relapse to smoking

Smoking relapses are experienced by almost all smokers who are attempting to quit.

If you have a cigarette, don’t be too hard on yourself. This is not an indication that you cannot quit.

Rather than focusing on the slip-up, try to focus on how long you went without smoking before the slip-up. Think about the world of good you’ve done for your body already, and the benefits that will continue to come your way when you quit again.

If you have relapsed, plan another quit date as soon as possible. The quicker you give it another shot, the better your chances at quitting long-term.

It can help to reflect on what caused your relapse. Are there changes you need to make to help you quit successfully the next time around?

Note down any triggers that may have prompted you to smoke, and avoid them where possible. Implement some of the above healthy habits to keep you on track.

It’s also important to seek support from your own personal network of loved ones, or from a professional smoking cessation clinic. They will be able to motivate you and encourage you if you’re struggling.

You may feel disappointed, by trying to view this as a learning opportunity. You now have the chance to change things up and utilise a few more tools to keep those cravings and triggers at bay.

When do most smokers relapse after quitting?

Most slip-ups occur within the first few weeks of trying to quit, however, they can happen a little later down the line. 

Relapse may occur if you unexpectedly encounter particular emotional, situational, or pattern triggers.

Stay smokefree for good

The road to quitting isn’t one easily travelled, but with the right support network, healthy habits, and strategies under your belt, you can stay smokefree for good.

You don’t have to journey on this road alone. In addition to your personal support network, you can chat to a specialist-trained GP via telehealth for extra support and guidance.

Link Reference

  • https://www.npr.org/2011/06/09/137085989/the-skinny-on-smoking-why-nicotine-curbs-appetite
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3997941/
  • https://www.bmj.com/content/345/bmj.e4439
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16251992
  • https://academic.oup.com/ntr/article-abstract/9/4/505/1087861/The-Effects-of-Foods-Beverages-and-Other-Factors?redirectedFrom=fulltext
  • https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00213-004-2037-x