Author: Dr. David Busby

Key takeaways Smoking suppresses appetite, leading to lower weight. Quitting smoking reveals poor eating habits. Improved taste, smell increase food appeal. Fear of weight gain deters quitting. Nutritional support aids successful quitting attempts. According to a large-scale cross-sectional study of 80,000 adults, people who smoke tend to have lower body weight and develop poor eating habits that lead to weight gain once they quit.Why do people who stop smoking gain significant weight? Researchers at Loughborough University and the University of Leicester, UK, may have an answer. In a paper presented at the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Venice, Italy on…

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Cost was one of the most cited motives to quit by 1 in 4 UK smokers, a five-year analysis of survey data spanning the years of the pandemic reveals.The cost of a ciggie appears to be a strong motivation for quitting smoking for many English smokers, alongside current future health concerns and existing health problems.An analysis of survey data between 2018 to 2023 published by University College London (UCL) in leadings journal BMJ Public Health revealed that, aside from health concerns, many smokers choose to quit to realise savings from the expense of smoking.Seeking to understand how the global pandemic…

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Australian health ministers stand in support of a bill that will see the ban on domestic manufacture and supply, distribution, advertisement, and commercial possession of non-therapeutic vapes.“If vapes are therapeutic goods then it is entirely appropriate that Australia should regulate them as therapeutic goods, instead of allowing them to be sold alongside chocolate bars in convenience stores, often down the road from schools,” their joint statement said.According to the country’s health ministers, their unanimous support of the Vaping Products Bill, which is currently before the Senate, shows that they are “not going to stand by and let our kids get…

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Nicotine vaping products (NVPs) could be the best tool that any motivated smoker can use to quit the habit, according to a commentary published in Nature Medicine.Health experts from Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Hollings Cancer Center, working with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), urge the use of NVPs as stop-smoking tools for any motivated smoker after they’ve attempted first-line quitting solutions such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).Dr. Benjamin Toll, director of the MUSC Health Tobacco Treatment Program, and Dr. Tracy Smith, associate professor in the Addiction Sciences Division of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,…

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Key takeaways Smoking can cause organ failure over time. Chemicals in smoke can lead to severe organ damage. Quitting smoking reduces chances of damaged or dysfunctional organs. Consult a doctor for personalized advice on quitting smoking. It’s no surprise that smoking is dangerous to you, but can smoking cause organ failure? We know that smoking can cause damage to your lungs, mouth, heart, stomach, and even your gut health, but it takes years for any severe symptoms to surface for most people.So, is it possible for smoking to cause organ failure? Let’s find out in this post.Smoking and Your MouthSmoke will…

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Key takeaways NRT products are available over-the-counter Prescribed medications and NVPs require a doctor’s prescription Pharmacy NVPs are medically supported, unlike illegal vapes Consult a stop-smoking GP for personalized advice Quitting smoking has become a lot easier in the last few decades. Going cold turkey, ‘cutting down’, or chewing a toothpick were the only choices motivated smokers had back in the old days. Today, there are nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products and nicotine vaping products (NVPs) to help you cruise past your withdrawal symptoms and stop smoking for good.With so many options, it’s natural for motivated smokers to wonder what smoking…

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Key takeaways Smoking’s dangers are well-known today Tobacco was once believed beneficial. Smokefree environments and ciggie taxes help quitting. Teen vaping has increased, posing health risks. Australian government has clamped down on illegal vaping. It’s a well-known fact that smoking is dangerous to your health. Back in the 14th century, people believed that tobacco chewing and smoking fended off many mental and physical diseases, but as science has discovered, it’s completely the opposite.In today’s post, we look at the data and facts that the world has discovered about tobacco and smoking and why everyone who’s still on the ciggies should…

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Key takeaways Fines for vaping in non-smoking areas. Non-pharmacy vaping products illegal since 1 March 2024. Vaping on planes, in vehicles, indoors incurs penalties. Schools can issue suspensions for vaping. Government primarily targets sellers, not individuals. Like smoking, is there a fine for vaping in Australia? Does it work the same way as smoking in a plane, public area, or a school? Most assume this is the case – after all, people who use nicotine vaping products (NVPs) are directed to smoking areas allotted in various commercial, entertainment, and public spaces.In today’s post, we’ll talk about the possible fines for vaping…

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Key takeaways Only illegal vapes are banned in WA Low-quality vapes banned; high-quality vapes readily available Illegal vapes pose health risks, especially to young people. Regulations ensure high-quality pharmacy vapes aid smoking cessation. Vaping laws aim to curb illegal sales to non-smokers You’ve probably heard quite a lot on the news recently, which can all be a little confusing.So, are vapes getting banned in Western Australia? The short answer is: no, they aren’t.The poor quality products imported by criminal gangs for profit are being restricted, but responsible high-quality vapes are actually becoming much more widespread.Let’s dive into this a bit…

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Key takeaways Smoking raises heart rate due to adrenaline. Nicotine stimulates adrenal glands, raising adrenaline levels. Effects include rapid heart rate, tachycardia, heart strain, hypertension Quitting smoking improves heart health significantly. Work with a GP to quit smoking effectively. If you’ve once asked, “why does smoking raise my heart rate,” it’s because your adrenaline levels increase with every hit.Nicotine, although relatively harmless on its own, is a highly addictive chemical that stimulates your adrenal glands and raises your adrenaline levels. This can temporarily raise your heart rate above the average.In this post, we’ll learn everything about smoking and how it…

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