Key takeaways Only illegal vapes are banned in WA Low-quality vapes banned; high-quality vapes readily available Illegal vapes pose health risks, especially to young people. Regulations ensure high-quality pharmacy vapes aid smoking cessation. Vaping laws aim to curb illegal sales to non-smokers You’ve probably heard quite a lot on the news recently, which can all be a little confusing.So, are vapes getting banned in Western Australia? The short answer is: no, they aren’t.The poor quality products imported by criminal gangs for profit are being restricted, but responsible high-quality vapes are actually becoming much more widespread.Let’s dive into this a bit…

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Key takeaways Smoking raises heart rate due to adrenaline. Nicotine stimulates adrenal glands, raising adrenaline levels. Effects include rapid heart rate, tachycardia, heart strain, hypertension Quitting smoking improves heart health significantly. Work with a GP to quit smoking effectively. Have you ever felt your heart racing or pounding? If you’re a smoker, it could be down to nicotine, which triggers your adrenal glands and boosts your adrenaline.Nicotine isn’t just addictive—it can also make your heart rate spike above normal levels, even if it’s only temporary.Read on to find out how smoking affects your heart rate and why it matters for your…

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Key takeaways Smoker’s lungs heal after quitting smoking. Recovery takes about a year or more. Cilia regrow to clear tar and toxins. Short-term effects include improved circulation, breathing. Long-term recovery includes improved lung function. Are you finding yourself out of breath after a short walk? Or do you have a persistent cough that just won’t go away? If you’ve been smoking for years, maybe even decades, don’t be shocked if your GP tells you that your lungs have seriously suffered during one of your routine check-ups.You might feel like the damage is done and that there’s no point in quitting now. But…

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Key takeaways March 2024: Ban of non-prescribed NVPs started in Queensland Low quality NVPs sold outside pharmacies now illegal Legal NVPs available from 2,200 pharmacies nationwide Prescription required for buying pharmacy NVPs New NVP regulations focus on smoking cessation If you live in Queensland, you are probably aware of the local government taking strong action to stop non-therapeutic nicotine vaping products (NVPs) being sold by criminal groups almost everywhere. But, remember that not all vapes are the same, and not all of them are banned in Queensland.To find out more about which vapes are allowed and which ones aren’t, keep reading…

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Key takeaways Non-prescribed vapes banned on 1 March 2024 New South Wales has responsible NVPs from pharmacies Nicotine prescriptions needed for buying pharmacy NVPs Only illegal NVPs sold outside from pharmacies banned Clearer pathway to reliable NVPs with regulation As you’ve likely heard in the media, there’s a nationwide crackdown on illegal vapes. These are the vapes you can see displayed in tobacconists and convenience stores.So, you might have asked, are vapes banned in New South Wales? Importantly, can I still purchase and use vaping products? Here’s everything you need to know.The Growing Harm of the Unregulated Vaping MarketLet’s jump back…

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Key takeaways 1 March 2024: Non-prescribed vapes banned in Victoria Illegal vapes have dangerous chemicals, high nicotine. Nicotine prescription required for purchasing NVPs. Legal vapes available from pharmacies for quitting. Over 2,200 pharmacies in Australia stock NVPs. You’ve probably heard the news about a vaping ban on all non-therapeutic nicotine vaping products (NVPs) in the country. To answer the question, “are vapes banned in Victoria?,” only non-prescription vapes not sold through pharmacies are being banned. These are the typical vapes you’ve mostly seen in groceries and convenience stores, and they’re being banned for very good reason.Here’s all that you need to…

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Key takeaways NVPs sold outside pharmacies illegal in South Australia since 1 March 2024 Illegal vapes have dangerous chemicals, high nicotine. Legal vapes available from pharmacies for cessation. Nicotine prescription required for purchasing pharmacy NVPs. Over 2,200 pharmacies in Australia stock NVPs. You’ve probably seen plenty of headlines about the potential dangers and widespread misconceptions surrounding vapes. So, if you’re in South Australia, you might be wondering whether or not vaping is actually banned where you live.To clear things up and put those rumours to rest, take note that only non-prescribed nicotine vaping products (NVPs) sold outside of pharmacies are banned…

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Key takeaways Cigarette ash is a health hazard Smoking outdoors contributes to air pollution Ash harms soil and plants Children and pets can ingest the ash from indoor smoking Quitting smoking benefits health and the environment Cigarette ash is an aspect of smoking you may barely notice, and likely just consider it a bit of a nuisance when you do. But, aside from the deadly smoke inhaled from every cigarette, cigarette ash can be extremely dangerous to your health and the health of others.In this post, we’ll discuss more about the dangers of cigarette ash, including to yourself, pets, children,…

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Key takeaways Smoking accelerates stomach acid production, causing discomfort. Impaired mucosal lining leads to inflammation and irritation. Increased vulnerability to irritants like alcohol and caffeine. Smoking is a major risk factor for ulcers. Quitting smoking can alleviate stomach issues. Have you been feeling like there’s just too much gas in your stomach lately?One reason for this could be that you’ve recently eaten, and your body is in the process of breaking down the food.During digestion, your stomach naturally produces gas, which then travels through your large intestines and beyond.Another possible culprit could be the chemicals from cigarettes, especially if you’re…

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Key takeaways Nicotine affects sleep due to adrenaline. Withdrawal symptoms may disrupt sleep patterns. Timing vaping with sleep schedule can help. Reduce stress, alcohol, caffeine, and screen time. Consult a GP for personalized advice. Switching to vaping can be a great way to quit smoking, but if you’re finding it hard to sleep, nicotine might be the culprit. Vaping still contains nicotine, which is a stimulant that can make it harder to relax and fall asleep, especially if you vape close to bedtime.To improve your sleep, try reducing your nicotine intake in the evening, opt for lower nicotine levels, and establish…

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