Author: Dr. David Busby

Key takeaways Vaping blackmarket sells dangerous, unregulated nicotine products. Illicit vapes lack manufacturing standards, pose serious health risks. Criminals flood market with cheap, harmful vaping alternatives. Lab tests reveal cancer-causing substances in illegal vapes. Children and non-smokers easily access illegal products. When you hear ‘blackmarket,’ something sinister and dangerous comes to mind. Typically, blackmarkets are associated with the sale of illegal drugs, alcohol, weapons, contraband, and other products deemed dangerous and falling outside of any regulation.This concept of a blackmarket also applies to illegal nicotine vaping products (NVPs). Criminal parties importing and distributing these products in the country have flooded the…

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Key takeaways Nicotine, while addictive, isn’t lethal on its own. Pre-existing conditions may amplify nicotine’s adverse effects. Illegal vapes pose serious health risks, avoid them at all costs Trusted pharmacy NVPs adhere to strict medical standards. NVPs are only accessible for motivated smokers on a quit-smoking journey. The dangers of smoking couldn’t be any clearer. The 7,000 chemicals and 69 carcinogens contained in cigarette smoke will shorten your life by days with every single pack.Cigarettes also contain nicotine – the highly addictive chemical that keeps smokers coming back and causing severe withdrawals during quitting attempts.Due to its historical and near-exclusive connection…

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Key takeaways Metabolic effects and behavioral factors influence weight after quitting smoking Using nicotine for weight loss poses long-term health risks. Pharmacy vapes, only to be used for quitting smoking Sustainable weight loss involves proper nutrition and exercise. Healthy diet choices central to maintaining weight after quitting smoking Nicotine gives you a small boost of energy, which can mask the signs you need to eat. But, is the addiction to nicotine worth it?Once you start, tobacco and nicotine addiction becomes very hard to shake off, even when you know you’re inhaling 7,000 chemicals (69 being carcinogenic) with every puff of…

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Key takeaways Beware of illegal vapes sold everywhere. Non-pharmacy vapes pose health risks, avoid. Pharmacy vapes adhere to high standards. Vaping isn’t entirely safe; nicotine addiction persists. Nicotine vapes are tools, not miracle cures. Illegal vapes have proliferated everywhere to the point that you can find them in nearly every convenience store, tobacconist, and even your local lolly or toy shop. However, one common mistake motivated smokers are committing is to buy these illegal vaping products for a serious quitting attempt. These illegal products are not designed for quitting.In this post, we’ll take a look at the common mistakes people commit…

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Key takeaways Media perception worsens vaping, endangers health. Illegal NVPs flood markets, pose serious risks. Pharmacy NVPs, regulated, part of cessation program. Cigarettes have 7,000+ chemicals, 69 carcinogens. Pharmacy NVPs has none of smoke’s risks. Due to recent negative media coverage and the indiscriminate sale of vaping products to non-smokers, teens, and even children as young as 5, vaping is seen as a scourge worse than smoking.But is it, really?Nicotine vaping products (NVPs) were originally intended as a smoking cessation tool to help motivated smokers quit by having something to puff on when withdrawals become too terrible.However, when opportunistic people…

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Key takeaways Laser treatments lack comprehensive scientific backing. Placebo effect likely, challenging treatment credibility. Individual variability demands personalized smoking cessation approaches. Smoking cessation programs are proven, effective alternatives. NRT products, cheaper and safer than laser therapy. Cigarette smoking is a huge problem worldwide. With millions dying to smoking each year, many medical professionals and innovators have stepped forward to urge many away from a preventable health burden.Aside from the typical smoking cessation programmes and various alternative methods of quitting already existing, quit smoking laser treatments have also become popular in the last few years.While many motivated smokers who have gone…

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Key takeaways Teen vaping trends pose health risks to adolescents. As a parent, staying informed is crucial. Nicotine addiction in teens affects brain development. Illegal vapes contain harmful substances, risking respiratory health. Unscrupulous advertising targets teens, promoting nicotine addiction. Smoking is out and vaping is the new ‘cool’ thing for teenagers nowadays.Many teens across the country find it challenging to resist the temptation of vaping, and who can blame them? The bright cartoon packaging and dozens of fruity and interesting flavours make illegal nicotine vapes highly irresistible.All of the nicotine vapes you see for sale everywhere – convenience stores, tobacconists,…

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Deciding to quit smoking is the first step to success, and if you’re here, you’re also likely wanting to go about it the right way – you’re on the right track!There are many reasons why you should get vapes from a pharmacy instead of illegally via your local tobacconist. We’ll cover the ‘why’ first, but if you’re already familiar with the positives of pharmacy vapes and the negatives of illegal vapes, feel free to scroll down for our actionable guidance on how to get vapes from a pharmacy.Approved and Tested IngredientsBefore any product or item is suitable for human consumption, laboratories…

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Key takeaways Smoking impacts libido, harming overall sexual health. Cigarette smoke’s chemicals affect cardiovascular systems, reducing blood flow. Hormonal disruption occurs, affecting testosterone and estrogen levels. Psychological factors, cravings, withdrawals impact overall sex drive. Reproductive health suffers, affecting fertility and sperm quality. Many studies have shown that smoking has a huge impact on the lungs, digestive system, blood health, and fertility. Research has also shown its link to arthritis and its dangers as you go over 40 years old.But one thing that doesn’t get talked about is the effects of smoking on libido levels – our overall sexual health.It’s known…

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Key takeaways Vape pens can help quit smoking. Legal pharmacy vapes are made to high medical standards Illegal vapes pose serious health risks. Pharmacy vapes medically insured, rigorously tested. Consistency, performance ensured with pharmacy vapes. With the number of vape pens available on the market today, chances are you’ve seen one on display in your local grocery store or corner shop and thought “that looks like a good way to quit smoking”.We can’t blame you – these products are easy to use, they don’t make you smell like smoke, and they can taste quite nice. But, before buying a vape pen,…

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