Author: Dr. David Busby

With the many dangerous chemicals in cigarette smoke, it doesn’t come as a surprise that smoking and tuberculosis (TB) are closely linked. TB affected 40 million people in the world last year, including women and children.While global efforts to reduce its spread worldwide have been made a global policy, active smokers and people exposed to secondhand smoke are at extremely high risk of contracting TB. In this post, we’ll explore how smoking and tuberculosis are related and how it weakens the immune system, paving the way for infection.Exploring the Link Between Tuberculosis and SmokingSmoking not only increases the risk of contracting…

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It’s no surprise that your body can start feeling much more energised after you go through your quit journey. But, before anything, you may experience some challenging changes first – such as gaining weight and eating a lot more than usual.After you quit smoking, food will taste a lot better. The chicken parmi (or parma) you’ve just had might have tasted better because your taste buds have started to repair themselves. It’s also normal to eat more as you’re going through nicotine withdrawal.But, if you find yourself eating higher volumes, it’s important to make sure you’re eating the right food…

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If it seems that your over-the-counter medication isn’t working as intended, it could be due to various factors, such as the wrong dosage or because you’re an active smoker.For both long-term smokers and those currently trying to quit by using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), it might be due in part to the nicotine. Nicotine can conflict with some medications and may reduce their effectiveness.Let’s take a deeper look at nicotine’s effects on your medications in this post.Nicotine and CoughingIt’s not surprising that your coughing will worsen if you continue smoking. Without enough hydration and lubrication, the throat will become dry and…

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Any worthwhile endeavour, while satisfying, can consume a lot of your energy. The same can also be true for anything that makes you healthier – running can give you a ‘runner’s high’, but afterwards you’ll be very keen for a good kip.Does quitting smoking make you tired as well? Yes, it does, and it takes lots of effort, patience, and even failure to successfully quit smoking for good. Facing nicotine withdrawals alone makes the entire quit journey a steep mountain to climb.However, know that these obstacles, including tiredness, are only temporary. Let’s dive deep into how quitting smoking can make you feel…

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It’s no secret that the chemicals in cigarette smoke are the root of all preventable diseases it brings. Cigarette smoke contains (among many others) arsenic, aldehydes, and cadmium (used in batteries). Many people assume nicotine to be dangerous due to its close connection to cigarettes. However, nicotine is relatively harmless for most people – its ‘danger’ in this context is that it keeps you coming back to the deadly carcinogens and chemicals in each cigarette. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women or anyone with heart conditions and adrenaline-related ailments, as it raises your heart rate and adrenaline levels temporarily. Nicotine’s relative…

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First introduced on 31 August 2000, the Smoke Free Environment Act 2000 aims to reduce the public’s exposure to cigarette smoke and give non-smokers a healthier and thriving environment. So far, the Act has been effective in its purpose, according to a peer-reviewed study. The study suggests that as non-smokers enjoy breathing fresh air almost everywhere – even in pubs – many smokers found themselves discouraged from smoking and motivated to quit after the Act was introduced.In this post, we’ll take a deeper dive into the Act to explain its details and if it’s still helpful to everyone today.Smoke Free Environment…

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Key takeaways Use nicotine patches cautiously when pregnant Patches deliver nicotine to aid smoking cessation. Use during pregnancy may impact placental blood flow. Studies show mixed effects on pregnant women and babies. Consult a GP to weigh benefits and risks. Pregnancy is a crucial time when women must pay close attention to their health and lifestyle choices. After all, they’re now carrying a child that is dependent on their diet and overall health.However, it’s quite difficult to quit smoking even while you’re pregnant, even if you have concerns about the potential harms of smoking to both yourself and the developing…

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Key takeaways Smoking, a catalyst for seizures: exploring connections. Seizure risks elevated among daily cigarette smokers. Data reveals smoking worsens and triggers epilepsy. Nerve damage accentuated by chemicals in smoke. Quitting cold turkey reduces seizures, benefits abound. It’s a well-established fact that smoking can cause a great number of ailments and diseases. We know what it can do to your lungs, heart, and stomach. Research has also shown that cigarette smoke can affect your brain and nervous system in various ways.However, most aren’t aware of how cigarette smoke also plays a significant role in causing seizures, especially among middle-aged adults…

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Key takeaways Constipation post-smoking cessation is common and uncomfortable. Cigarette smoke alters microbiome, stimulating stomach movement. Quitting smoking halts artificial stomach stimulation, causing constipation. Diet changes and increased food intake contribute to constipation. Smoking is a significant factor in digestive health issues. Everyone appreciates the absence of constipation in their lives  – being unable to get rid of bodily waste is uncomfortable and can be an embarrassing burden.It’s typically due to a number of issues, such as having a lengthy and unnaturally structured colon or a lack of dietary fibre, but you may also experience constipation days or weeks after…

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Key takeaways Smoking and driving poses significant dangers that are often overlooked. Smoking can cause distraction and impaired concentration while driving. Reduced visibility and poor driving judgment are also consequences of smoking while driving. There are legal consequences for smoking while driving, especially with minors in the vehicle. Smoking while driving not only poses immediate risks but also has long-term health implications. While speeding, drunk driving and not wearing a seatbelt are the most commonly associated causes of fatal car accidents, what most overlook is the danger of smoking and driving.Partly, we can blame popular media for this. The images…

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