Author: Dr. David Busby

Key takeaways Weight gain is common after quitting smoking Nicotine suppresses appetite, leading to overeating Sense of taste improves, stimulating appetite Oral fixation can lead to overeating Substitute addictions, like overeating, are risky So, you’ve decided to quit smoking. You’ve braved through your withdrawal and cravings with the right tools, but you feel disappointed seeing you’ve gained weight in the process of quitting smoking.Many ex-smokers have experienced weight gain. This is normal – cigarettes can be an appetite suppressant, and have actually been a cause of weight loss among smokers. So, after quitting you can tend to feel much hungrier…

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Key takeaways Nicotine’s grip makes quitting tobacco notoriously challenging. Despite health risks, cigarettes remain easily accessible worldwide Social triggers, portrayed glamor, complicate quitting endeavours greatly. Flavor variations and tactile features intensify smoking’s allure. Secondhand smoke triggers and social smoking hinder quitting. Many smokers began the habit because their friends did it – they felt left out. For some, it was because they saw a TV show or movie with a character looking cool while smoking. While any of these reasons might give any smoker a start, the product itself is the main reason it’s hard to quit.Tobacco contains nicotine, an addictive…

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Key takeaways Nicotine disrupts sleep, causing cravings and apnea. Quitting improves sleep, despite initial withdrawal challenges. Caffeine, alcohol, and late eating contribute to insomnia. Insomnia worsened by smoking and nicotine stimulation. Establish good sleep habits during smoking cessation. Wondering why you couldn’t get that prized 8 hours of sleep you used to have years ago? It’s probably due to the relationship between smoking and sleep.Not too known by most people, nicotine intake gives you a small boost of energy, which masks how tired and hungry you really are. In some smokers, nicotine addiction is so severe that they even wake…

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Key takeaways Hobbies can distract from smoking cravings Exercise releases endorphins, aiding mood regulation Relaxation activities can help manage stress triggers Mental stimulation activities replace addictive behaviors Arts and crafts provide a creative outlet One thing many motivated smokers fear during their quit journey is having nothing to do. Smoking was a way for them to pass the time and deflate during stressful situations. The truth is, when you’re bored during your quit journey, you feel much more inclined to light up.Hobbies, old and new, are things you can do instead of smoking and being idle. If you had worked…

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Key takeaways Breaking smoking habit into achievable steps is key. Set a quit date and inform loved ones. Identify and avoid triggers, seek alternatives. Tailor-made cessation program with GP’s help. Join supportive community, reflect, meditate on goals. Quitting something is easier said than done. While old habits might die hard, taking the first steps and remaining dedicated to your goals is the key to changing them for good. It might seem as though quitting smoking is a monumental task at first, until you see how the small steps are easy to accomplish.Highly effective smoking cessation programmes place great importance on breaking…

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Key takeaways Smoking’s impact on fertility: A comprehensive exploration. Reduced fertility rates in both men and women. Hormone disruption and damage to the reproductive system. Sperm DNA damage and reduced egg count. Secondhand smoke’s role in affecting fertility. In case you’re wondering, yes, smoking and fertility are closely related. The dangers of smoking cigarettes are almost limitless. Aside from greatly increasing the risk of contracting various types of cancer, smoking also affects your ability to conceive children – not just females, but also males.In this post, we’ll look at how smoking affects the fertility of both males and females and why…

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Key takeaways Set a quit date for focused preparation. Define goals, including financial and health benefits. Prioritize health and improved quality of life. Consider the impact on children’s well-being. Quitting aids personal growth and achievement. So, you’re done with smoking. You’ve recognised you need to take control, want to save more cash and improve your health. With the right motivation, it’s easy to set goals to help you quit smoking.It’s true that following through with these goals after setting them is much more difficult than making them. While everything’s easier said than done, setting a date to quit smoking shows…

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Key takeaways Prepare for quitting, set goals, inform support. Choose a quit date within two weeks. Plan engaging activities to ease distractions. Start small, acknowledge challenges, reward milestones. Smokefree Clinic offers resources for quitting success. In anything challenging, the first few steps are always the hardest. You’re not sure about the path you’re treading on most of the time. But, taking the first step is always necessary, especially if you’re trying to quit smoking.To start a quitting smoking timeline, you just have to take a step. It doesn’t matter if it’s minor – like cutting down one cigarette every day.…

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Key takeaways Quitting with a friend eases the process. Mutual support fosters belief and motivation. Helping a friend reinforces your own commitment. Celebrate victories together for added joy. Friends may join and strengthen the journey. Friends can take virtually anything to the next level of enjoyment. Imagine if you quit smoking with a friend, rather than going it alone. It probably won’t be as fun or entertaining as going to the movies or having a laugh over coffee, but you’ll have someone who will empathise and encourage you to keep on going.A quit mate is an ideal partner for anyone going…

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Key takeaways Smoking and drinking are closely linked, impacting quitting. Combined, they elevate cancer risks and immediate issues. Movies and media often portray both habits enticingly. To quit successfully, overcome challenges with baby steps. Create a supportive environment, change routines, seek help. If you feel that you could probably stop smoking if you also quit drinking, you’re not alone. In fact, many smokers have the best chance of kicking their smoking habit by eliminating their drinking habit, too.Many studies have shown a strong link between smoking and drinking. People who have stopped after a year can relapse after attending a…

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