Author: Dr. David Busby

Key takeaways Avoid cheaply made disposable vapes for safety. Lack of regulations poses serious health risks. Profit-driven market targets non-smokers and youth. Nicotine addiction risks affect teens’ brain development. Environmental concerns with non-biodegradable waste. Disposable vapes have been extremely controversial. It has become the source of one of the biggest problems in Australia today: youth vaping.Children as young as five, teenagers, and anyone else who shouldn’t be involved with nicotine or vapes are using nicotine vapes due to distributors and foreign manufacturers who have taken advantage of the technology to create a new generation of vaping addicts.Vaping was introduced as…

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Nicotine vaping products (NVPs) were intended to keep smokers off the dangers of tobacco – the major cause of many preventable diseases worldwide. NVPs are an alternative tool that does not produce smoke – they produce an aerosol (commonly known as ‘vapour’) by heating a nicotine-containing liquid. There’s no combustion of tobacco with NVPs, which is where the thousands of chemicals (including 69 known carcinogens) originate in traditional cigarettes.So, why do you need a nicotine prescription?Unfortunately, opportunistic criminal groups (the same ones that supply illegal tobacco and drugs) have flooded the market with millions of dangerous products made as cheaply as…

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Key takeaways Vaping grows, 82 million worldwide use it. Many dual-use, both smoking and vaping. Dual using due to freely available vapes. Illicit vapes contain dangerous nickel and lead. Only use NVPs for smoking cessation As of 2021, there are an estimated 82 million people who vape worldwide, according to the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction (GSTHR). While some people claim that nicotine vaping products (NVPs) helped them quit smoking successfully, there are many others who are vaping while smoking – this is called ‘dual using’.The explanation for this ballooning number of dual users are markets where NVPs are…

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Key takeaways Quitting smoking promotes overall sexual health improvement. Male smokers face risks of erectile dysfunction. Nicotine, carbon monoxide damage blood vessels, affecting arousal. Smoking disrupts blood vessels, making erections difficult. Young smokers can experience erectile dysfunction issues. Though advertisements and films have glorified smoking, the reality is that the habit is far from sexy. We know smoking can cause a plethora of health issues, and aside from lung and digestive problems, male smokers can develop erectile dysfunction if they don’t kick the habit out of their lives for good.Can smoking too much cause erectile dysfunction? Yes, it definitely canStudies have…

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Key takeaways Nicotine patches deliver consistent doses through the skin. Dosage depends on previous smoking habits and advice. Optimal use involves following healthcare provider and manufacturer’s instructions. Cutting patches or using two at once discouraged. Consult with a GP when using nicotine patches Taking the leap towards a smokefree life isn’t easy, but nicotine patches can be an effective ally in this journey. Studies have shown how effective it is in helping smokers handle withdrawal and stop smoking for good.Still, you might be left pondering questions like, “How many nicotine patches should I use?” and “Can I use two nicotine…

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Key takeaways Bupropion and Varenicline aid smoking cessation Both drugs have side effects, though mild Common side effects include dry mouth, nausea Varenicline can cause mood changes in rare cases Studies suggest Varenicline may be more effective Embarking on the journey to quit smoking can be a challenge, but first-line treatments like Bupropion and Varenicline have made this process a lot easier. Used to help smokers break free from their nicotine addiction, these drugs are a great support in the journey towards a smokefree life.However, as with all medications, Bupropion and Varenicline can cause side effects for some users.In this guide,…

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Key takeaways Vapes differ from cigarettes in usage. Puffs in a vape aren’t equal to the number of smoked cigarettes Legal pharmacy vapes are cessation tools. Pharmacy vapes follow strict manufacturing standards. Vaping’s effectiveness surpasses traditional NRT products. So, you’ve just started your smoking cessation programme and now have a pharmacy nicotine vaping product (NVP), after nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products didn’t help you much during withdrawals.You might be wondering if your pharmacy NVP is actually the equivalent of a pack of ciggies (or even more in some cases), as described by the media recently.In this guide, we tackle the…

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Key takeaways Smoking increases hepatitis risk by compromising immunity. Liver cell damage and oxidative stress contribute to inflammation. Smoking combined with drug abuse and excessive alcohol. Unsanitary food handling also escalates hepatitis risk. Vaping’s impact on hepatitis is unclear; varies by product. Cigarettes have been associated with a number of lung, skin, and cancer cases. One other thing to know is that smoking and hepatitis are also correlated.All types of hepatitis progress slowly and remain undetected until the pain near your chest intensifies progressively. You may have hepatitis if you’ve recently had a poor appetite and are frequently dizzy and…

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Key takeaways Legal pharmacy vapes designed for smoking cessation. Strict standards ensure high quality and effectiveness. Illegal vapes, cheaply made, pose serious health risks. Smoking cessation vaping aids motivated smokers effectively. As a harm reduction tool, vaping has become widely popular among many motivated smokers. Many experts see it as crucial in urging many smokers to kick cigarettes off with a less harmful and toxic product.Unfortunately, widespread accessibility has also urged many non-smokers, young teens, and even children to use vapes, breeding a whole new generation of nicotine addiction. This has given vapes, which were originally made for smoking cessation,…

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Is it possible to just wake up one day and say, ‘I hate smoking’, and kick cigarettes out of your life in a snap? It probably feels like a pipe dream for many struggling quitters.There have been some situations where smokers suddenly hated (and successfully quit) smoking for various reasons. Some of them occurred due to health complications, or perhaps losing a loved one to smoking, while others had many positive external influences surrounding them.In today’s post, we’ll look at the possibility of how a person can quickly stop smoking for good.The Viability of ‘Sudden’ Loss of Nicotine AddictionThe difficulty…

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