Author: Dr. David Busby

Key takeaways Smoking with braces harms treatment, damages brackets. Dental discoloration increases, affecting braces appearance. Higher risk of gum disease due to smoking. Slower healing process with discomfort and challenges. Weakened enamel from smoking risks long-term dental health. Braces aren’t just for teenagers with awkward smiles. Many middle-aged people wear braces to train and support their teeth, especially after going through some extractions. Unfortunately, even after spending thousands on your teeth, curbing your desire for smoking with braces can still be extremely difficult. But, it could be motivating to quit if you knew the effects of smoking when you’re going through…

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Key takeaways Nicotine vaping offers cost-effective solution for smokers. Vaping cost in Australia: a financial comparison. Save thousands yearly by switching to vaping. Pharmacy NVPs provide economical and health-conscious option. Nicotine vaping products (NVPs) have gained popularity in recent years as a legitimate quitting tool for many smokers – after all, smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death and disease in Australia, claiming 24,000 lives every year.But, are NVPs or vapes much cheaper than tobacco cigarettes? With the rising prices of tobacco in Australia, an effective and affordable quitting tool can encourage even the most hardened smoker to kick…

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Key takeaways Choose pharmacy NVPs for high manufacturing standards Avoid illegal vapes for health concerns. Dehydration can cause dizziness, stay hydrated. Manage nicotine intake to prevent headaches. Overcoming coughing helps ease vaping dizziness. One of the most popular ways to stop smoking for good these days is vaping. Nicotine vaping products (NVPs) imitate the hand-to-mouth gesture, inhale, throat hit, and exhale of cigarettes without introducing the dangerous chemicals and carcinogens found in cigarette smoke.However, some smokers using the tool for the very first time as part of their smoking cessation programme find that their head spins and they occasionally experience…

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Key takeaways After quitting smoking, bad breath is common. Cigarette chemicals and tar harm oral health. They cause dry mouth, a breeding ground for bacteria. Saliva production decreases during smoking, exacerbating bad breath. Upon quitting, as saliva levels normalize, breath improves. If you’ve recently kicked your smoking habit and find yourself wondering why your breath has taken a nosedive into unpleasant territory, fear not – this is a normal part of quitting smoking.In reality, if you keep on smoking, your breath will keep on getting worse. Think of the bad breath you have right now after quitting as a one-time…

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Key takeaways Anxiety post-smoking cessation is a common challenge. Nicotine withdrawal intensifies anxiety during the quitting process. Exercise aids in managing anxiety post-smoking cessation. Mindfulness and meditation offer mental wellness support. Joining support groups enhances the quitting journey experience. Quitting smoking is a significant life change, and it’s common to experience a range of emotions and effects, including anxiety, severe irritability, difficulty breathing, and more.Nicotine, the addictive substance in cigarettes, has been shown to have mood-altering effects (even if it is relatively harmless). When you stop smoking, your body undergoes a period of adjustment due to the lack of nicotine in…

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Key takeaways Quitting smoking boosts health and productivity. Improved fatigue levels and cognitive function. Better time management and enhanced creativity. Easier to quit with first-line solutions. Smoking is a habit that many people find hard to quit, but the benefits of doing so are immense. Seeing that it has many adverse effects on your lungs, heart, and the people and pets around you, there’s plenty of reason to stop smoking.Aside from the clear health benefits, quitting smoking not only improves your health but also boosts your productivity in various ways. Reduced FatigueOne of the most noticeable effects of quitting smoking is…

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Key takeaways Smoking harms kidneys by reducing blood flow. Chemicals from smoke impair kidney function. Increased risk of various kidney diseases. Worsens existing kidney conditions like CKD. Raises risk of kidney cancer due to DNA damage. Smoking, we all know, isn’t the healthiest choice. It’s linked to lung cancer, heart problems, and various other conditions. So, it’s no surprise that smoking can also play havoc with your kidneys. Kidneys clean your blood and toss out the trash. It’s also responsible for keeping your fluid balance in check. The dangerous chemicals from cigarette smoke impair their performance, reducing your quality of life…

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Key takeaways Smoking can affect your thyroid health. Quitting smoking can temporarily affect thyroid function. Nicotine replacement therapy can help alleviate withdrawals. Iodine absorption may improve after quitting smoking. Consult a GP for personalized smoking cessation advice. The thyroid is an important part of the body, but we rarely notice it. Even if we feel something odd in our throat, we assume it’s something else – like a sore throat or nasal problem – rather than a problem with the thyroid.However, if you’ve been a regular smoker for decades, it might be time to ask yourself, “Can smoking affect my…

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Key takeaways Smoking’s nicotine content makes it highly addictive. Dangerous chemicals in cigarettes impact skin, lungs, hormones. Cigarette smoke affects libido and hormonal production. Chemicals in smoke disrupt hormone pathways, cause oxidative stress. Quitting smoking prioritizes health and hormone levels Smoking is an extremely dangerous yet preventable habit – one that’s difficult to turn away from because of its highly addictive nicotine content.The many dangerous chemicals in cigarettes can significantly affect your skin, stomach, lungs, and blood health. Alongside these, it can affect the hormones responsible for improving your chances of conceiving a child and women’s periods.Now, does smoking affect…

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Key takeaways Smoke-free laws protect environment and individuals Smoking restrictions vary by state and territory Penalties for breaking laws can be severe Designated smoking areas are strictly enforced Smoke-free laws also apply to universities and workplaces Following the letter and spirit of the law is the sign of a civilized and cohesive society. It also ensures you don’t get in trouble – it definitely pays to know the laws you might be treading upon.For regular smokers, understanding Australia’s smoke free laws ensures they won’t get in trouble whenever they light a cigarette. These laws protect the environment, non-smokers, and even…

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