Key takeaways Many seniors continue to smoke and believe ‘it’s too late’ to stop Still plenty of health benefits for motivated senior smokers to quit True relaxation, financial freedom among benefits of stopping Seniors must stick with responsible pharmacy NVPs and GPs to quit. Do your parents or older folks you know still smoke, even with all the campaigns against it? It can be frustrating, but it’s important to remember that back in their day, people didn’t know just how dangerous cigarettes were. Smoking was a common habit, and it can be really hard to quit, especially if they started as teenagers.A…

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Key takeaways Nicotine overdose is rare for smokers, but still possible. Amount of nicotine to cause overdose still undetermined Nicotine ingestion, not inhalation, more likely to cause overdose Vomiting, headaches, and diarrhoea common symptoms Quitting smoking prevents possibility of nicotine overdose Are you a smoker who can polish off a pack every day and worry about hitting your body’s limit?If you use cigarettes, NVPs, or NRT products, you might be at risk for nicotine overdose or poisoning. So, how can an overdose happen, and how can you steer clear of it? Let’s get into it in today’s post.Nicotine Overdose: How it HappensNicotine…

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Secondary and tertiary education can be the most exciting part of anyone’s academic life. In this period, students are much more immersed in their studies and form opinions and ideas on their topics of interest. Unfortunately, it is during secondary and tertiary learning periods that many students become curious about (and are exposed to) certain ‘items of curiosity’. Among the many substances in this category are cigarettes.In this post, we’ll take a look at the relationship between smoking and academic performance, and why quitting is the best course for any secondary and tertiary school student.The Physiological Impact of Smoking on Cognitive…

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Key takeaways Tasmania bans non-prescribed vaping products outside pharmacies. Vaping surged due to illegal nicotine vaping products Legal NVPs for smoking cessation prescription-only from pharmacies March 1, 2024: Non-prescribed NVPs illegal in Tasmania. NVP prescriptions available for both motivated smokers and former illegal vapers The news has probably reached you that Tasmania – and the entire country for that matter –  has started to crack down on all non-therapeutic nicotine vaping products (NVPs). That is, any non-prescribed vaping product sold outside of a pharmacy, such as those you’ve likely seen in tobacconists and corner stores.So, are vapes banned in Tasmania? Can…

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Key takeaways Counselling provides support, tools, and techniques. Behavioural therapy helps manage addiction triggers. Cognitive-behavioural approaches address smoking as learned behavior. GPs help build motivation and resilience. Effective communication strategies build trust and progress. As they say, “multiple hands get the job done faster”. Most certainly, someone constantly pushing you on is far more motivating and can be far more successful than doing it all on your own.This principle is the core of any smoking cessation counselling session – to help you remain mindful, focused, and determined to stop smoking for good. And, GPs won’t just provide aid through communication…

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Key takeaways Quitting smoking starts with recognizing the need. Coping strategies and support systems are crucial. Nicotine replacement therapies offer effective solutions. Celebrate small victories to stay motivated. Smokefree Clinic provides resources for quitting. Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I can quit smoking, no problem,” like it’s the easiest thing in the world? Or maybe you’re one of those lucky few who don’t even think about a cigarette for an entire day without breaking a sweat? Well, for most of us, it’s the second day that really hits hard. That’s when the anxiety kicks in, the stress builds up, and suddenly your…

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By now, you’re probably familiar with nicotine vaping products (NVPs), or vapes, and how their illegal versions are popping up all over the place.You might have also heard that they’re often seen as a healthier option compared to cigarettes.It’s true that vapes don’t produce smoke like traditional cigarettes do, which is a big plus since cigarette smoke is loaded with harmful chemicals like aldehydes, cadmium, and arsenic.But keep in mind, it doesn’t mean they’re completely safe. Being around secondhand vaping can still be bad for your health.Stick around to find out more about the risks involved.The Difference Between Smoke and…

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Did you know that smoking can cause serious damage to your ears too? It might not be the first thing you think about, but it makes sense when you realise how close your ears are to your nose, mouth, and eyes—all areas directly hit by the chemicals in cigarette smoke.As any ENT (eyes, ears, nose, and throat) specialist will tell you, if one of these parts is affected, it often has a knock-on effect on the others. In this post, we’ll break down how that happens and what you can do to protect your hearing.Can Smoking Contribute to Hearing Loss?Yes, smoking cigarettes…

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Key takeaways Smoking leads to arteriosclerosis – thickening arteries’ walls Chemicals in smoke increase LDL cholesterol levels. Smoking causes inflammatory responses and arterial damage. Oxidative stress from smoking stiffens arteries. It impacts blood flow and vascular function. Your arteries are like tubes that keep your blood flowing and carry nutrients around your body. Now, if you smoke, picture all the deadly chemicals piling up and damaging these transport routes, causing blockages and slowing things down.Yes, smoking can lead to arteriosclerosis—that’s when your arteries thicken and stiffen, making it harder for blood to flow. If you’ve already got symptoms or a family history…

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Key takeaways Smoking once a year seems harmless, but addiction can form habits. Immediate exposure to smoke carries health risks Once-a-year smokers light up still at risk of addiction Light smoking still causes permanent damage Physiological impact depends on individual factors. Smoking once a year might seem like just a cheeky one-off day of indulging. But even occasional smoking can still do lasting damage to your health. You may not get hooked, but you’re still inhaling harmful chemicals that can have serious effects on your health. Let’s talk about why occasional smoking isn’t as harmless as it seems.The Once-a-Year SmokerAre you, or…

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