Increased appetite while quitting

When you quit smoking, it’s completely normal to find yourself feeling hungrier, and food often starts to taste a lot better too.

This can lead to a bit of weight gain, as your body begins to enjoy food more, and you might find yourself tempted by sweet or fatty snacks that never really appealed to you before.

Many ex-smokers mention craving foods they didn’t previously like, particularly ones that are high in calories.

While putting on a bit of weight is a typical part of the process, keep an eye on your portion sizes to help avoid overeating or falling into unhealthy eating habits.

Snack smart

Are you trying to quit smoking and finding yourself missing something to do with your hands and mouth? This feeling is common and can be another reason people gain weight after giving up smoking.

The urge to always have something in your mouth or hands will fade over time, especially if you’ve got a solid support system, self-awareness, and the determination to stick with it.

Eating or snacking can feel a bit like smoking, as it fills that same need. To avoid overeating, try using a toothpick or straw to keep your hands and mouth occupied.

You could also snack on healthy options like carrots or celery, or chew sugar-free gum to keep yourself busy without overindulging.

Eat with care

Does quitting smoking make you fat? Only if you always give in to the temptation. People tend to use food the same way they used to use cigarettes, according to research. They eat to deal with stress or boredom, as a personal reward, to pass the time, or to make friends.

It’s important to know why you eat even when you’re not hungry. Slowing down when and what you eat can help you eat more mindfully. Eating more slowly is also healthier.

Simply put: eat slowly and enjoy it.

By slowing down, when you are full you are more likely to realise it. Try also to not watch TV or talk on the phone while you eat. Getting rid of your gadgets lets you focus on the details of your food. You might be able to taste and feel things you would have missed otherwise.

How to deal with gaining weight after quitting

Does smoking cause belly fat? No, it doesn’t; it acts as an appetite suppressant. For this reason, people often put off giving up smoking because they are afraid of gaining weight. Even though many people gain weight after they stop smoking, it is better for your health to stop as soon as you can.

Once you stop smoking, you can start building healthy habits for exercise, eating, and if you need to, losing weight.

How to keep from putting on weight after quitting

  • Control your appetite. When you smoke cigarettes, you don’t feel as hungry. If you stop smoking, you might feel more hungry and eat more than you did before. Controlling how much you eat can help you avoid overeating. It’s also important to never forget to drink water – this will keep you from eating when you’re actually thirsty.
  • Start going to the gym regularly. When you smoke your metabolism speeds up, so you burn more calories. If you stop smoking you might burn fewer calories, which could make you gain weight. If you work out regularly, you can keep burning those calories. Even if you only work out for 10 minutes a day, this is still a step in the right direction.

Also, learn how to eat mindfully. Eating can take the place of smoking. Learn to eat with your mind and plan out your meals and snacks. Mindful eating means being aware as you prepare, choose, and eat. Here are some tips to help you eat better and enjoy your food more:

  • Eat at the table. This way you can pay attention to what you’re eating.
  • Avoid distractions. Put down the phone, turn off the TV, and put the computer to sleep.
  • Don’t serve food for the whole family. If you’re still hungry, you’ll have to leave the table to get more food.
  • Think about the size of your servings. You might want to start with a smaller amount.
  • Check your gut. Are you hungry, actually thirsty, or are you eating for another reason?

Figure out how to deal with your feelings without smoking. When you quit smoking, you might want to eat when you feel bad or when things are hard, but there are always ways to deal with things other than smoking.