Quitting smoking is a tough task, and it’s even harder to do it alone. If you have a friend or loved one who is trying to quit, you can be a huge help to them.

Whether you’re a smoker yourself or not, there are things you can do to support them on their journey. We’ll talk about some ways you can help your loved one kick the habit for good.

Remember that it’s important not to be too pushy, as people need to want to quit for the best chance at success.

Be understanding

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that quitting smoking is hard. Nicotine is a powerful addiction and it’s not something that can be easily overcome.

So, don’t expect your loved one to quit overnight (or even on the first attempt), and don’t get frustrated if they slip up. Quitting is a process and it takes time and patience.

Share helpful information with them

One way you can help is by providing information and resources about the dangers of smoking and the benefits of quitting.

Share articles, videos or even books with them about the risks of smoking and how quitting can improve their health.

Be there for them

Another way to help is by being a listening ear and emotional support system. Quitting can be an emotional rollercoaster and having someone to talk to can make a huge difference. Listen to their concerns, give them encouragement, and be there for them during the tough times.

If you’re a smoker yourself and want to help your friend quit, the best way to do that is by quitting yourself. Not only will you be leading by example, but you can also share your own experience and give them tips and advice.

Practical support is also important. You can help by arranging transportation to appointments, finding support groups or even helping with the cost of quitting.

It’s also essential to remind them that quitting is a process and it takes time. Encourage them to keep going, even if they slip up, and remind them that they’re not alone in this journey.

Help them create a quit plan

Another way you can help is by helping them create a quit plan. A quit plan is a personalized plan that includes steps and strategies for dealing with cravings, triggers and other challenges.

You can help them set a quit date, identify triggers and avoid them, develop coping strategies and even seek professional help.

Suggest helpful therapies

Cold turkey (quitting with no assistance) is very difficult and can make their attempt less successful, so consider providing your loved one with information about medications and therapies that can help them quit.

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is a popular and effective method that comes in different forms like gum, patches, lozenges, inhalers, or nasal sprays.

Nicotine vaping products are now also available from your local pharmacy. The latest cochrane update found “high-certainty evidence that electronic cigarettes with nicotine increase quit rates compared to NRT.”

They can also use prescription medications like bupropion and varenicline to help them quit.

Remember, it may take a few attempts

Lastly, remember that quitting smoking is a journey and not a destination. It may take a few attempts before your friend is successful in quitting. So, don’t give up on them and continue to provide support and encouragement.

In short, quitting smoking is a difficult task but you can make it easier for your loved one by being supportive, understanding and providing helpful resources.

Quitting smoking is a journey, but with the right support, it’s possible for them to quit for good.